Thursday, November 3, 2011

Buh-bye cable

Technically it's DirectTV, but you get my drift.

Yes. It's true. I said goodbye to tv shows and primetime a week or so ago. My contract with DirectTV was finally up (I signed up specifically so I could FNL exclusive before anyone without DTV. #cleareyesfullheartscan'tlose) so I decided it was time to rid myself of yet another bill. Could I afford DTV? Sure. But did I find it a waste of my money and time? Absolutely.

Please know I'm not knocking tv watching. I love it to be sure (and I totally miss it sometimes!), BUT I felt like my money and my time could be spent doing better things. So that's the choice I made and here are some things I have been doing/hope to do more of with extra time and money on my hands...just in case you want to make the no cable plunge too and need some tips on how to fill the void!

New found time will be spent:
• reading more (my Bible in particular)
• attending events during the week
• going out more/spend more quality time with friends in general
• playing my guitar
• running
• climbing
• yoga class
• hosting another game night (you may scoff, but game nights are awesome)
• borrowing movies/tv shows from the library
• blogging (yeah, yall hold me to that!)
• DIY projects around the house
• freelance design projects
• hiking/being outside in general
• riding my bike that is currently sitting in my kitchen (yes, my kitchen)
• watching the shows I miss during lunch via hulu or the tv station's website

I'm saving $85/month! Here's where some of that money will go:
• shopping (as much as I love clothes, etc I honestly don't get to buy things often, hoping that changes now)
• savings account
• more dinners out with friends
• sponsoring a child in Africa with My Father's House
• "I love you/No reason" gifts for framily
• more concerts
• coffee dates with friends
• travel!
• hosting dinners at my house

This is seriously just the tip of the iceberg and I'm starting to think maybe I have more ideas than I have time or money! But at least I know I won't be bored without TV. 

Think about could be cable free too! But no pressure :) 

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