Monday, October 21, 2013

Music Monday: Rayland Baxter

So if you're trying to save some cash by not attending quite as many shows as you'd like to, one thing you should never ever do is listen to an artist's album that you like who is also coming in town.

Yep, I knew Rayland Baxter was coming in town to open up for Holly Williams (yes, of the Hank Williams Jr. & Sr. lineage) and I told myself I needed to save some dough. I had to start making choices somewhere and not see every single show that came in town that I was interested in. Plus, I wasn't feeling well last week and I needed rest. So I told myself I needed to stay home anyhow.

And then I listened to his album Feathers & Fish Hooks (which I listed as a current obsession back in May) and I knew I didn't stand a chance staying away from Workplay last Thursday night. So after J and I had dinner, I threw out the idea of the Rayland Baxter show, and he was down, so off we went. And honestly, I don't regret spending the money at all.

Rayland Baxter at Workplay in Birmingham on October 17, 2013.

I got to hear a lot of new songs Rayland had apparently been working on, plus some of my favorites from his aforementioned album. He was much more interactive with the audience than I would've expected and was quite funny.

I was also really suprised at how young he seemed to be in person. Judging by his song writing ability and his lyrics, he sounds to me like someone who's seen more of the world than I have. I assumed that was due to age, but now I think otherwise.

We also stayed to hear some of Holly's set and I think I enjoyed her more than J did. Mostly I was impressed that she has so much pressure of the big boots to fill (of her dad and grandad) and she seems to not feel that pressure at all. I think she's just out there doing what she enjoys and not trying to live up to anyone's expectations but her own. Seriously impressive in my book.

To make a long story short, it was money well spent and if Rayland comes to your town, I think you should check him out.

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