Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Free fun: Trade Day

{pictured: 1. bikes for sale at Trade Day 2. the sign at the entrance 3. jewelry at a booth 
4. best. corn dog. ever. 5. what else does one wear to Trade Day except cowboy boots? }

If you're not from North Alabama, chances are you've never heard of a little thing called Trade Day in Collinsville.
I'm not really sure how to even describe Trade Day except maybe to call it an open air flea market. People from
all over the northern part of the state come every Saturday to sell their goods and well, their junk, in shack-like
booths at Trade Day. And I, for one, love. it.

Collinsville is a bit of a trip from Birmingham, about an hour and half at least, so I try to make my pilgrimage to
Trade Day about once a year. Usually when the weather starts to warm up and it's not miserable to walk around
for a couple of hours outside.

Last year I went with two pals, Ashley and Torry, who are both from my "neck of the woods" and fully understand
the joy of Trade Day. We mostly went because I had a new roommate, Rita, from NYC who I felt needed a little
taste of my roots and what that side of Alabama is like. Then this year, my lucky guest was my friend Casey who is
also a Yankee so I needed him to experience Trade Day. Plus I knew he'd love it. Boom, I was right.

Anyhow, Trade Day is awesome. Torry, Ashley and I love to joke that you can find ANYTHING there. From
goats, to knives, to cell phone holders, to chickens, to jewelry, to old school Nintendo games, to collectible
records, to just about any random knick knack. You can find it at Trade Day for sure. And they have THE BEST
corn dogs. I'm dead serious. I don't joke about food. If you've never had a corn dog and a yoohoo for breakfast,
you haven't really lived.

So if you're in the North Alabama area and you're looking for a pretty much free way to spend a Saturday
morning, look no further than Trade Day. The only money you spend is what you purchase. At my last trip
I ended up snagging a couple pieces of jewelry for 50 cents each and three nail polishes for just $5.00.

My only advice is go early and don't leave without getting a corn dog.


Allymazing said...

This looks just so cool. I want to go to one...I'm just imagining all the random cool things I'd find. Or I could just get a bike (I need a bike)

Great post, darling! It looks like an amazing, fun day

Tori said...

Sounds awesome! Wish I could go
P.S. Check out my $20 ClubCouture giveaway here: